Running Gait Analysis

Today I helped a high school athlete return to competing in a cross country meet and not only that, meet a personal best and without knee pain.  In just 2 short sessions.  Ok, so I know I’m  bragging, but I was really proud of this accomplishment, which was 75% the effort of my patient and 25% me shoving them in the right direction.  A key 25% achieved through a running gait analysis and customized exercise program with instruction in proper form and alignment with functional movements.  I perform a running gait analysis on all of my clients that are runners. Running gait analysis is a skilled observation of running technique and form that is then compared to the main complaint to come to a biomechanical hypothesis as to why they are in pain and how they can improve their performance.  Physical therapists are also trained to analyze walking gait.  Running analysis is then used to guide instruction in appropriate running form to address the main complaints.  Comprehensive testing of strength, movement patterns, balance, and neuromuscular control is also done to identify contributing factors to the inefficient pattern to achieve a well-rounded plan of attack.  Though whether it be to relieve a sore knee or just improve performance, a running gait analysis should be the first step in helping a runner to achieve his or her goals.  When instruction is given to reduce an inefficient technique and this is combined with a personalized exercise program you get happier, less stressed joints and possibly….. a personal best.

Want a free analysis?  Attend our runners clinic this Wednesday, October 6th.  Click on the events tab for more information.



Physical Therapy Orthopaedic Specialist at Southeast Louisiana Veterans Health Care System

My name is Monique Serpas, PT, DPT, OCS. I am a physical therapist and board-certified Orthopaedic Clinical Specialist practicing at the Southeast Louisiana Healthcare System in New Orleans, LA. I realize how difficult it can be to overcome an injury or manage a chronic condition and am focused on helping my clients achieve wellness through a physically active lifestyle. I treat orthopaedic, balance, and vestibular disorders and practice using a combination of hands-on manual therapy, therapeutic exercise, and education. This enables my patients to assist in their own recovery and injury prevention. I also have developed fall prevention and golf-related rehab programs in the past. I hold a Doctor of Physical Therapy from Concordia University Wisconsin (2008) and a Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology from Louisiana State University (2004). I am a member of the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), Louisiana Physical Therapy Association (LPTA), and the Orthopaedic and Neurology sections of the APTA.

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