Everyone by now has heard the term “core strength” and about how it’s so important to have it. The core consists of abdominal, back, shoulder blade, hip, and glute muscles, in other words, the muscles in your trunk that support the spine. Core strength helps to prevent and recover from a host of injuries, not to mention improve your self image and make you stand a little taller. When I teach my clients to do a bridge, I emphasize squeezing the glutes together to activate them and maintaining smooth, slow movements. The more control you have, the better your core strength. If you feel cramping in your hamstrings (backs of your thighs) with this exercise, then you need to work on squeezing your buttocks together to activate your glutes. This means your glutes are significantly weak and is something you should focus on improving in your workouts. Here are a few videos of a favorite core strengthening exercise: the bridge, and a few of its variations.
Bridging Progressions and a cool Canadian accent
Bridging with arm movements
Shoulder Bridge with Hip Rotation
Bridging with a Physioball- Expert Village
Bridging and Hamstring Curl with Physioball
Straight Leg Bridging with Physioball- Adam Ford Ridgeline Fitness
March 5, 2010
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