Archive | October, 2009

Cortisone Injections: Helpful or Harmful?

October 30, 2009


Should I get a cortisone injection? Are they safe?  Do they help?  Is it a steroid?  Is it just going to mask the real problem?  Will it do more harm than good to the body in the end? These are just a few of the questions that I am frequently asked regarding cortisone injections.  Physicians […]

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Runners Get Their Kicks

October 23, 2009


Runners take note: running in the right pair of shoes is important for injury prevention.  There are many types of shoes on the market, from the most supportive via motion control to the least supportive, as in the new barefoot running trend.  “So, what shoe do you recommend?” There isn’t a simple answer.  Shoes are […]

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Drug of Choice

October 16, 2009


There’s an amazing, FREE treatment that you MUST know about.  It can improve pain levels, mood, circulation, sugar levels, sleep, energy levels, blood pressure, bone density, cholesterol, and brain function.  That’s fantastic!  Stiff joints? Back pain? Depressed?  No problem!  It can also help you keep a healthy weight, melting the inches and pounds away.  Helloooo […]

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The spine, to the core!

October 8, 2009

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Most of my clients have some kind of spinal dysfunction or pain, whether it be neck pain, back pain, or abnormal posture. Here is an abridged lesson about the spine including a few facts about anatomy, risk factors for pain, and how to preserve and maintain spinal joint health. In most people, the spine is […]

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What is physical therapy?

October 1, 2009


I am happy to post the inaugural blog for Geaux to Physical Therapy!  Today marks the first day of National Physical Therapy Month.  The theme this year is, “Move Forward. Physical Therapy Brings Motion to Life.”  So, who are physical therapists and what do they do?  In the most basic sense, a physical therapist helps […]

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